Teaching of Geography 🌍

🎯 Objectives

πŸ“˜ Syllabus


  1. Geography: meaning, nature, objectives, importance, scope; relationship with other subjects; curriculum: meaning, principles, role, and importance of the geography teacher. πŸ“–
  2. Approaches to curriculum design: topical, integrated discipline, conceptual design curriculum. πŸ”„


  1. Geography textbook: meaning, types, importance, and qualities. πŸ“š
  2. Geography teacher: qualities, professional growth, and role, formation and management of geography lab. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

Activities (Any one of the following)

πŸ“š Books Recommended

  1. Arora, K.L.: Teaching of Geography. πŸ“˜
  2. Braiult, E.W.H. and Share, D.W.: Geography in & out of School: (Suggestions for teaching in second schools), London. πŸ“—
  3. Dhand Harry : Dictionary of Geography Technique in Teaching, Ashish Publishing. πŸ“•
  4. Gopsil, Gitt: The Teaching of Geography, Macmillan & Co., London. πŸ“™
  5. Grave, N.J.: Geography in Education, Reinenman. πŸ““
  6. Grave, N.J.: Geography in Education, Reindnman Education Books, New Delhi. πŸ“”
  7. Grieve, J.N.: Geography in School. πŸ“—
  8. Kaul, A.K.: Teaching or Geography. πŸ“š

πŸ“ Previous Year Question Papers of Teaching of Geography