Understand the process of human development with special reference to adolescence. 🌱
Analyze the characteristics and problems of Indian adolescents. 👧🧒
Familiarize with administration and interpretation of Psychological tests. 📝
Apply the understanding of the different types of learners in various classroom situations. 👩🏫👨🏫
📘 Syllabus
Educational psychology- concept, nature, scope and importance. 📚
Growth and development: meaning, difference, principles, influence of heredity and environment on growth and development of a child. 🌱
Indian Adolescents: Characteristics of emotional, social, cognitive and moral development, Problems of Indian adolescents. Role of family, school, community and mass-media in development of adolescents. Role of different cultures in development of adolescents. 👧🧒
Individual differences: inter and intra individual differences, concept, causes and implications. 🔄
Intelligence: concept, theories-Spearman, Thurstone and Gardner. Uses and limitations of Intelligence tests. 🧠
Learning: Meaning, process and factors affecting learning of an individual, Trial and error theory and classical conditioning theory. 📖
Motivation: Concept, types and techniques, educational implications. 💡
Learner with special needs: Meaning, types: gifted, delinquents, creative, slow learner and their educational programmes. 👩🎓👨🎓
Activities (Any one of the following)
Administration and interpretation of any one psychological test (Intelligence/motivation/creativity). 📝
Visit to a school and write a report on problems being faced by the students. 🏫
📚 Books Recommended
Dandapani, S. (2004) Advanced Educational Psychology. New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 📖