Max Marks: 50 (End Semester: 35, Internal Assessment: 15) ๐
Pass Marks: 35% โ
Credits: 02 (40 hrs; 3 hrs/week) ๐
Time Allowed: 3 hrs โณ
๐ Instructions
๐งโ๐ซ For the Paper-Setter
The question paper will consist of three sections: A, B, and C. ๐
Sections A and B will have four questions each, carrying 6 marks each. โ๏ธ
Section C will contain 11 short-answer questions, each worth 1 mark, covering the entire syllabus. ๐ก
Use of scientific non-programmable calculators is allowed. ๐ฉ
๐ For the Candidates
Candidates must attempt five questions in total. โ๏ธ
Select two questions each from Sections A and B. ๐
Additionally, answer the compulsory question from Section C. โ
๐ Syllabus
Section A ๐ฌ
p-Block Elements (Group 13):
Comparative study (including diagonal relationship) of group 13 elements, hydrides, oxides, oxyacids, and halides of group 13; hydrides of boron (diborane and higher boranes), borazine, borohydrides. ๐งช
p-Block Elements (Groups 14-17):
Comparative study (including diagonal relationship) of groups 14-17 elements, hydrides, oxides, oxyacids, and halides; fullerenes, silicates (structural principles), basic properties of interhalogens and polyhalides. ๐งฌ
Section B โ๏ธ
Chemistry of Lanthanide Elements:
Electronic structure, oxidation states, ionic radii, lanthanide contraction, complex formation, occurrence, and isolation of lanthanide compounds. ๐
Ionic Solids:
Concept of close packing, ionic structures (NaCl type, Zinc blende, Wurzite, CaFโ, and antifluorite), radius ratio rule, lattice defects, semiconductors, Born-Haber cycle, solvation energy, solubility of ionic solids, polarizing power, polarisability, Fajan's rule. Metallic bonds and bond theories. ๐
๐ Books Recommended
J.D. Lee: 'Concise Inorganic Chemistry', Oxford University Press. ๐
F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson: 'Advanced Inorganic Chemistry', Wiley. ๐
B.R. Puri, L.R. Sharma, and K.C. Kalia: 'Principles of Inorganic Chemistry', Vishal Publishing Co. ๐งพ
๐ Previous Year Question Papers of Inorganic Chemistry-II