Health and Physical Education 💪

(A) Objectives

(B) Syllabus


  1. Human Nervous System: parts and its functions. 🧠
  2. Endocrine glands: Functions and location in the body. 🔬
  3. Diet and Nutrition: Components of balanced diet and their sources, concept of calorific value, childhood obesity-causes and prevention. 🥦
  4. Common Childhood Illnesses: Causes and prevention; immunization. 🤒


  1. Physical Fitness: Concept and components; aerobic, anaerobic, and yogic exercises, indigenous games and sports. 💪
  2. Yoga: Concept, yogic kriya and asanas with special reference to breathing exercises (Kapalbharti, anulom-vilom, parvatasna) and musculoskeletal exercises (Vajrasna, Parvatasna, gomukhasna and Padamasna) - their benefits and techniques. 🧘‍♀️
  3. First aid: Handling of dog, animal, and snake bites, fractures, bleeding, burns, sunstroke, and chemical poisoning. 🚨

Activities (any one of the following)

(C) Books Recommended

  1. Bucher, C.A. (1964) Foundations of Physical Education. New York: Mosby and Company. 📚
  2. Kang Gurpreet Singh & Deol Nishan Singh. (2013). An Introduction to Health and Physical Education. 21st century publications, India. 📖
  3. Alderman, H., Behrman, J. R., Lavy, V., & Menon, R (1997). Child Nutrition, Child Health, and School Enrolment. 📚
  4. Agarwal, D. K., Upadhyay, S. K., Tripathi, A. M., Agarwal K. N (1987). Nutritional Status, Physical Work Capacity and Mental Function in School Children. 📖
  5. Brahmam, G. N. V. (2003). Evaluation of Mid Day Meal Programme in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Gujarat. 📖

📝 Previous Year Question Papers of Health and Physical Education