Environment Education 🌍

(A) Objectives

(B) Syllabus


  1. Environment education: Meaning, objective, need, and its importance. 📚
  2. Environment awareness through education, environmental pollution. 🚮
  3. Environmental hazards: Greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, polar melting, rising of sea level its causes and effects. 🌊


  1. Natural Resources: Definition, classification, and conservation of natural resources, education for sustainable development. 🌿
  2. Environmental ethics: issues and solutions. 🌐
  3. Programmes of environmental education for school children. 📝

Activities (Any one of the following)

(C) Books Recommended

  1. Burton, Ian, Robert W. Kares and Gilbert F. White (1993). The environmental as Hazard. New York: the Guildford press. 📖
  2. Dani, H.M. (1996). Environmental Education. Chandigarh: Punjab University Publication Bureau. 📘
  3. Huckle, J. & Sterling, S. (eds) (1996). Education for sustainability, London: Earthscan. 📚
  4. Kaur, T.N. (1999). Environmental Concerns & Strategies. New Delhi: Ashish Publication House. 📖
  5. Laeeq Futehally (1994). Our Environment. India: National Book Trust. 📚
  6. Lambert, P.R. (2000). Education for sustainable development: a new role for subject association, education in science. 📖
  7. Pankaj Shrivastava & D.P. Singh (2002). Environment Education. Anmol publication Pvt. Ltd. 📘
  8. Nanda, V.K. (1987). Environmental Education. Delhi: Anmol. 📚
  9. Rajagopalan, R. (2005). Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure. Delhi: OUP. 📘

📝 Previous Year Question Papers of Environment Education