Comparative Education 🌍

(A) Objectives

(B) Syllabus


  1. Comparative Education: Concept, importance, and current trends. 📈
  2. Educational development and contemporary issues in comparative education. 🔄


  1. Facets of societies that impact the educational system with special reference to Canada, Australia, and China. 🌏
  2. Comparative analysis of educational policies, planning, practices, and present status in SAARC countries. 🌐

Activities (Any one of the following)

(C) Books Recommended

  1. Bradshaw and York W (eds.) (1997). Education in Comparative Perspective: New Lessons From Around The World, New York, E.J. Brill. 📚
  2. Hans, N (1967). Comparative Education: A Study of Educational Factors and Traditions, London, Rutledge and Kegan Paul. 📘
  3. Holmes B (1981). Comparative Education: Some Considerations of Method, London, George Allen & Unwin. 📖
  4. Bray, M (1997). Education and Colonial Transition: The Hong Kong Experience in Comparative Perspective. Comparative Education, 33(2), 157-169. 📚
  5. Bray, M (2003). Comparative Education: Continuing Traditions, New Challenges and New Paradigms, London, Kluwere Academic Publishers. 📘

📝 Previous Year Question Papers of Comparative Education