Special Education 📚

(A) Objectives

(B) Syllabus


  1. Special Education: Meaning, need, importance, and classification. 📝
  2. Trends in special education: Mainstreaming, community-based rehabilitation, deinstitutionalization, inclusion, and individualized education programs. 🔄


  1. Identification, characteristics, causes, and education of children with autism, mentally retarded, orthopedically handicapped, visually impaired, and children with locomotor impairment. 🚸
  2. Learning disabilities: Types and remediation. 📖
  3. Rights of Person with Disabilities Act- 2016. 📜

Activities (Any one of the following)

(C) Books Recommended

  1. Alur, M. (2002). Introduction in Hegarty, S., & Alur M (Eds.), Education and Children with Special Needs: From Segregation to Inclusion. New Delhi: Sage Publications. 📚
  2. BenDer, W. N. (2002). Differentiating Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities: Best Practices for General and Special Educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 📘
  3. Bishop, Virginia (1996). Preschool children with visual impairments. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Retrieved from http://www.tsbvi.edu/curriculum-a-publications/3/1069-preschool-children-with-visual-impairments-by-virginia-bishop Accessed on 20/02/2014. 📖
  4. Ghai, A. (2002). Disability in the Indian Context: Post-Colonial Perspectives, In M. Corker and T. Shakespeare (Eds.) Disability/Post-modernity. Embodying Disability Theory (88- 100). London: Continuum. 📚
  5. Julka, A. (1999). Low vision children: A guide for primary school teachers. NCERT, New Delhi. 📘

📝 Previous Year Question Papers of Special Education