Experiential Learning and Work Education πŸŽ“

(A) Objectives

(B) Syllabus


  1. Experiential Learning and Work Education: Meaning, need, and relevance in present scenario. 🌱
  2. Historical Perspective of local community engagement, work education experiential learning, and Nai Talim Practice in India. πŸ“œ
  3. Responsibilities of teachers, headmasters, and community members in experiential learning and work education. πŸ‘©β€πŸ«


  1. Identification of signs of distress in financial, social, political aspects and coping mechanisms, participation in community mobilization. 🚨
  2. Service engagement and empowerment activities along with trained resident community volunteers, implementation of community engagement. 🀝
  3. Work education plan for identified and prioritized aspects. πŸ“‹

Activities (Any two of the following)

  1. Application of participatory Learning and Action techniques of resources mapping and social mapping. πŸ—ΊοΈ
  2. Involving high school students in the activity and work-based education programs in the selected neighborhoods. 🏘️
  3. Conducting field visits and field interactions with the help of school students in villages and self-help groups for the students. 🌾
  4. Conducting and facilitating school-community workshops and health camps. πŸ₯

(C) Books Recommended

  1. Kolb, D.A.(1984) Kriplani J.B. The eastord Fad, Hindustani Talini Sangh, Wardha. πŸ“š
  2. Experiential Learning, New Delhi, Prentice Hall. πŸ“–
  3. Alice Y. adkolb, D.A. (2017) The Experiential Educators, Principles and Practices. πŸ“˜

πŸ“ Previous Year Question Papers of Experiential Learning and Work Education