Understand the concept of education from a sociological perspective. 🧠
Analyze social stratification in Indian society and inculcate human values among the learners. 🌐
Be an agent of change for removal of various types of disparities. ✊
📘 Syllabus
Sociology of education: concept, scope, and approaches. 📖
Culture: concept, characteristics, acculturation, and enculturation, propaganda. 🌍
Social Stratification: caste, class, gender, religious stratification in Indian society; social versus natural inequality. 🏛️
Education: inequality of access and opportunity for education; steps undertaken at the national level for removal of educational inequalities during the current five-year plan. 📚
Sustainable development: concept, importance and its awareness through education. 🌱
Education for the 21st century - the four pillars of education (Delor's Commission, 1996). 🏫
Activities (Any one of the following)
Discussion on the role of culture in social change. 💬
Report on different types of disparities in Indian society. 📝
Evaluation of Right to Education Act-2009 in any one School. 🏫
📚 Books Recommended
Ball, Stephen, J (1990). Politics and Policy-making in Education: Explorations in Political Sociology. London: Routledge. 📘
Bruner, J.C (1997). The Culture and Education, London: Harvard University Press. 📗
Friere, Paulo (1972). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 📕
Gandhi, M.K (1962). The Problem of Education, Ahmadabad: Navajivan Publishing House. 📙
Sen, Amartya (1999). Development as Freedom. Oxford: Clarendon. 📗
Hurn, C.J. (1993). Limits and Possibilities of Schooling: An Introduction to the Sociology of Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 📘
Pandey,K,P.(2007). Perspectives in Social Foundations of Education. Delhi: Shipra. 📙
📝 Previous Year Question Papers of Sociological Perspective in Education